
Internet Marketing Strategy, Social Media Training

Join Us for Our New Visual Social Media Marketing Class!

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Mar 28 2013

We are super excited about our latest social media training program! Our newest class will be on Visual Social Media Marketing training.

Our Training Programs Always Sell-Out – So Please Reserve Your Seat ASAP.

Every business today is active on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, you name it. But that doesn’t mean they are getting the results they want from social media. And it’s because they’re posting the wrong type of content.

That’s why we created our new training program: Visual Social Media Marketing. It’s based off of Krista’s bestselling book of the same name, which you can check out here. This trend has really exploded within the last several months, because people online are growing tired of reading texts. All they want are images and visual content.

The goal of our Visual Social Media Marketing class is to show people how easy it is to get results from social media… as long as you take advantage of this trend early. Most businesses haven’t yet picked up on the #VSMM trend, and they haven’t realized that posting images on their social networks, and creating visual content, such as infographics, gets so much more interaction from fans and customers than other content. Think about the facts: images on Facebook get 50% more interaction than other content, and images are the most shared content on Twitter!

visual social media marketingThe best part of this Visual Social Media Marketing class is that we don’t just cover what it’s about – we show you what to do and what kind of content to post to guarantee to get results! Some of the things we’ll cover are:

  • What is visual social media marketing? #VSMM
  • Why is it important to pay attention to this trend.
  • What kind of content gets the most interaction.
  • What kind of content you should post.
  • Ideas for visual content your business can post.

There is nothing you can do better for your online social marketing strategy than to leap ahead of your competitors by taking advantage of this new trend.

You will leave this training with a step-by-step plan for how to put your visual social media marketing ideas into action.

Training Details:

April 9th, 2013

LIVE Training 11:30 – 1:00  REGISTER NOW (Includes LUNCH!)

Online Training also 11:30 – 1:00 (EST) REGISTER NOW (Includes a recording plus downloadable resources)

If you’re curious about everything we’re going to cover, you can expect to learn:

  • What is visual social media marketing? #VSMM
  • What kind of content you should be posting online.
  • How to come up with the right images and content for your brand to share.
  • Case studies of companies that have had success using visual social media marketing.
  • How to take advantage of visually-focused sites like Pinterest and Instagram
  • How to focus your strategy on visual content on networks like Facebook and Twitter
  • What kind of visual content you should include on your website and why

So stop wasting time and money, and start getting results for your business! We’re excited you’ve decided to take the next step towards visual social media marketing training online!

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