
Author: Krista Neher

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Digital Marketing News Updates from November 2020

November 2020 Digital Marketing News Updates – Mobile First Google Ranking, Messenger Reboot, Tweetstorm Blog Posts

Krista Neher

Nov 27 2020

Members of our All Access Pass get the first look at the latest digital marketing news updates each month during a live webinar. Facebook News Updates Facebook Reports Strong Q3 - User numbers continue to rise (12%) and revenue is up. The...
Brand building in digital age

Brand Building in a Digital Age – Is it Dead?

Krista Neher

Nov 17 2020

Digital marketing is changing the way that we reach consumers. In traditional marketing we focused on stimulus/brand building so that when a consumer was making a decision they would choose us. Most products are bought in stores, where packaging and...
Digital marketing strategy: 5 traps to avoid

Digital Marketing Strategy: 5 Traps to Avoid

Krista Neher

Oct 13 2020

Building a digital marketing strategy for a business is challenging. It is sometimes easy to jump into the tactics - with shiny objects like ChatBots, AI, AR and Ad Viewability constantly distracting us, it can be difficult to remember to...
July 2020 digital news updates

July 2020 Digital Marketing News Updates: TikTok Business Platform, Facebook Tests Emails, and LinkedIn Ad Retargeting

Krista Neher

Jul 02 2020

Members of our All Access Pass get the first look at the latest digital marketing news updates each month during a live webinar. Facebook News Updates Businesses can Respond in Messenger App - Businesses will be able to use the same Facebook...

January 2020 Digital Marketing News Updates – Brands Collab Manager on Instagram, @Mentions in YouTube Titles, and Email is BOOMING!

Krista Neher

Jan 13 2020

Members of our All Access Pass get the first look at the latest digital marketing news updates each month during a live webinar.  Facebook News Updates Facebook Expands Brands Collabs Manager to Instagram - This platform allows brands to find...
digital marketing skills

7 Digital Marketing Skills Every Marketer Needs

Krista Neher

Jul 12 2019

This year 50% of advertising will be in digital - which means that the days of digital being siloed off are coming to an end (or at least they should). While there is technical expertise required to execute many aspects...

June 2019 Digital Marketing News Updates – Facebook Algorithm Changes, IGTV Horizontal Video, Google Top 3 Ranking Factors

Krista Neher

Jun 07 2019

Facebook News Updates Algorithm update using surveys - Facebook announced another new update to the algorithm. This update will incorporate survey results to determine what people see vs. just basing their newsfeed off of previous behaviors. This could increase your...
analytics, digital measurements

3 Golden Questions of Digital Marketing Analytics

Krista Neher

May 22 2019

In digital marketing we have no shortage of data - big data, small data, reports, social data, etc - yet we do have a shortage of being able to interpret the data. When working with business executives, business owners, and...
digital marketing, social media marketing

The Future of Marketing (and Business): Agile, Analytical, and Accountable

Krista Neher

May 16 2019

Marketing is changing. It isn't just because of digital, although digital has been the catalyst for most of it. It is changing because with digital we have better opportunities to create more meaningful (and effective) marketing. Yet many brands and...
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