
Social Media 101, Social Media Strategy

Emerging Social Networks Videos: What you need to know!

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Debba Haupert

Oct 15 2015

BCD Blog Post 10152015

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn: you’ve (hopefully!) been there — done that, right?! (If not, to be honest, we’ve got Boot Camp Digital training on all those!) 😉 But how do you keep up-to-date on the emerging social networks? How do YOU stay on top of the new/emerging social networks like Periscope, Meerkat, Tumblr and more?

From the executive who needs to know the high-level awareness of social media networks, to the hands-on social media/digital marketing manager who needs to understand social content, the strategy and management of a range of social networks, there’s a lot to stay on top of in the world of social media!

To help you, our Boot Camp Digital team has created some awesome overview videos of these emerging social networks:

PERISCOPE/MEERKAT: Have you Scoped yet? No medical procedure – scoping is live streaming your life (on Periscope) or your own version of an interactive show on your phone to people all over the globe. Relatively new, these two live streaming social networks offer new opportunities and challenges as an emerging social network. Find out more …

TUMBLR: If you’re over 35, you might think we just made a typo. If you’re under 35, you’re probably already on Tumblr. This social media platform allows users to post/curate content from Tumblr or other places on the internet. Bigger than Twitter, Pinterest or LinkedIn, do you know what businesses need to know about Tumblr?

SNAPCHAT: Really. We’re not trying to make you feel old … but you’re probably over 35 if you don’t use Snapchat. In fact, 85% of the under 35 crowd are on Snapchat. What is it? Well, I’ll give you 10 seconds to read this then it will disappear. 🙂 Really it won’t, but a Snapchat update, or ‘Snap,’ would only last for 10 seconds. Quick! Watch the following video on what Snapchat is and how businesses are using this emerging social network!

SLIDESHARE: Want to be part of the 500% more traffic by business owners than Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube? (Really!) Owned by LinkedIn, Slideshare is the largest community for sharing presentations – in fact, it’s one of the top 100 sites in the world! Want to know more? Check out this video then go check out some presentations on what Slideshare is that are posted on, you guessed it, Slideshare.

PODCASTING: Ever heard of ‘Serial,’ ‘Radiolab,’ ‘The Moth,’ or ‘This American Life’? They’re all very popular podcasts – which are audio/video shows that can be downloaded from iTunes or other sources. In fact, 1/3 of Americans have listened to a podcast. Businesses are using them too. Find out why and how to benefit from this emerging social communication channel.

To be honest, more emerging social networks are constantly launching. How do you stay on top of things? For more information on these emerging social networks and existing ones, we’ve got social media and digital marketing training – individual, group, live, online – all designed for professionals who need to know what is going on in the ever-changing world of social media and what it means to their business/organization.

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