
Author: Krista Neher

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Social Media Content Creation from PubCon New Orleans

Krista Neher

Apr 24 2013

The next PubCon session I attended was about social media content creation..... Content is one of the biggest buzz terms in social media these days.... are you using best practices to create an amazing Content Marketing Strategy? Here is a...

SEO in 2013 – PubCon Presentation

Krista Neher

Apr 23 2013

In preparation for our upcoming SEO 101 training, I had the pleasure of hearing some experts share trends for SEO in 2013. As SEO (Search Engine Optimization) continues to grow and evolve, having a solid strategy is required. This big...

Announcing Our Newest Program: Launch Yourself! Define, Design and Deliver a Powerful Personal Brand Online

Krista Neher

Apr 11 2013

I am really excited today to announce the launch of Launch Yourself – our newest training program. I’ve been running social media training programs for over 5 years, and I have wanted to do this program for a VERY long...

Facebook Privacy Settings – A Guide

Krista Neher

Mar 11 2013

As social media continues to grow and evolve, more and more people are concerned with managing their privacy settings.  While you should never post anything that you wouldn't want to be seen publicly, you can always do your best to...

What Facebook Graph Search Means to Your Business

Krista Neher

Jan 29 2013

Facebook recently launched graph search, which has the potential to open up new possibilities for brands marketing and communicating with customers on Facebook.  I wanted to take a quick moment to share my thoughts on Graph search and the implications...

ANNOUNCING: My New Book – Visual Social Media Marketing

Krista Neher

Jan 24 2013

Friends, I am SO EXCITED today to announce the launch of my new book Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online. This is my third book (my first was Social Media Field Guide,...

Announcing My Latest Book – Visual Social Media Marketing #VSMM

Krista Neher

Jan 17 2013

Today I am REALLY excited to tell you about the next book that I am publishing: Visual Social Media Marketing: Harnessing the Power of Images, Instagram, Infographics and Pinterest to Grow Your Business Online. I've been working on this book for...

Why Social Media Shouldn’t be An AfterThought

Krista Neher

Nov 24 2012

I work with a lot of nonprofit organizations and try to support and promote events and organizations as well as other companies in my local community and many of them come to me for help in social media or by...

Facebook: Now That Everyone is There, How do You Stand Out?

Krista Neher

Sep 24 2012

Facebook can be a powerful marketing tool but many businesses are being ignored by their fans.  The reality is that it used to be easy for businesses to market on Facebook - there weren't that many businesses on it.  These...
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