
Author: Krista Neher

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Digital Marketing News Updates, April 2019 Digital Marketing News Updates

LinkedIn Pages Checklist (directly from LinkedIn): How to grow your LinkedIn Page

Krista Neher

Apr 04 2019

LinkedIn Pages have been around for a while, but many marketers struggle with how to get real results from their page. GOOD NEWS! At SXSW we met with LinkedIn and they gave us this handy Checklist for LinkedIn Pages with...

Built to Suck – How to Suck Less with Joe Jaffe at SXSW

Krista Neher

Mar 12 2019

Joe Jaffe recently wrote his latest book - Built to Suck focusing on how businesses need to adapt to thrive. Spoiler alert - the book is awesome - and I wanted to share some of the best tips from his...

Free Digital Marketing and Social Media Training for Federal Employees

Krista Neher

Jan 23 2019

UPDATE: While the shutdown has ended for the moment, we are keeping this offer open until a permanent agreement is reached. Please apply here: bootcampdigital.com/FED We've been watching the news of the government shutdown, and the impact on federal employees and their families and wanted to do something to help. While we can't impact the shutdown, we can try to help some...

January 2019 Digital Marketing News Updates: Facebook Search Ads, Instagram Walkie Talkie Messaging, Google Lens Updates, and More!

Krista Neher

Jan 03 2019

Save yourself hours and hours of finding and reading digital marketing updates each month and join our thousands of Digital Marketing Insiders who get first look at them. Plus get live answers to your questions about applying them to your...

Top Trends in Digital Marketing for 2019 That Actually Work

Krista Neher

Jan 02 2019

So you've probably read a thousand posts on 2019 Digital Marketing Trends. Personally, I HATE these annual trends reports and posts. Why? Well, they usually contain all the same ideas and honestly, most of these ideas are on the list...

10 Ways to Create an Engaging Digital Training Workshop

Krista Neher

Dec 11 2018

This week I’m running 4 full days of Digital Marketing Training for international marketers for a large CPG company. Running long-format workshops can be a challenge – let’s face it – nobody wants to hear me talk for 4 days!?!?!...

Demonstration VIDEO: Get INSIGHTS about the people you want to reach with Facebook Audience Insights

Krista Neher

Nov 14 2018

Many people don't know about Facebook Audience Insights, but it is a great way to learn about your target audience and your customers on Facebook. I created a quick video for you to show how powerful this tool is and...
digital content optimization, digital content

5 Content Marketing Optimization Tips Every Business Can Benefit from

Krista Neher

Oct 30 2018

Content marketing is an area of digital marketing that has generated a lot of interest over the last few years. And it should. The message or content that you use is the single most important part of your social media...
digital marketing skills

7 Actionable Ways to Grow Your Organization’s Digital Marketing Skills

Krista Neher

Oct 15 2018

A new report from the EU Commission identified that digital marketing skills are required at all levels and in all organizations. From farmers to pharmacies, businesses and organizations need digital skills to succeed. What is the cost of not growing...
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