
Content Marketing, Digital Marketing Analytics, Measuring Social Media

When Wisdom Trumps Data in Content Best Practices

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Allison Chaney

Nov 29 2017

Data analysis, including evaluation of engagement rates, guide content best practices. Here’s just a few based on lessons learned from analytics:

  • Most Facebook users watch video with sound off, so create videos with captions that can be understood clearly with the sound off.
  • Create short bursts of content (thank you Twitter for training us to think in 140 characters).
  • Video is more engaging than images and images are more engaging that text.
  • Post more frequently on Twitter than Facebook.
  • Aim for less than 40 characters in a Facebook post.

Should you always follow the content best practices to the letter?

No! Best practices for content are just that – generally the best or most effective method for driving results. These aren’t content laws or even content rules. They are just a set of recommendations based on data. And in most cases, following best practices will yield better results.

But there are times when sound in video matters. There are times when a long article is necessary. There are even times when you should post more on Facebook than Twitter.

So how do you know when to follow best practices and when to go against them? This is when we apply human wisdom. You need to know your audience and their relationship with your business. What is expected? What type of content resonates best and drives the results you want? What will make your content stand out?

Evaluating results and testing various content formats and styles will help you translate data into insights and create the best content for reaching your goals.

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