Jan 07 2011
Back in November I posted about a new program that I launched with Cincinnati State – A social media certification program from the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State. (Check out the website for all of the details)
The certification program is a 3 day intensive social media course that covers the social media plan building, execution and advanced social media topics.
Through the program students create an actual social media plan that they are ready to execute. The program includes in-class instruction, real-world application, creation of social media assets, building a social media plan and testing.
We did the first session of the program in December and it was a big hit. The first class was a sell-out (YAY!!!) and the feedback from the participants was amazing!
“Krista Neher’s disciplined yet entertaining social media boot camp training literally ‘engaged’ me to construct a 40+ page marketing launch plan. I will be able to take action immediately through both established and my newly-created social media real estate. I highly recommend Cincinnati State’s Institute for Social Media to recharge any seasoned marketing professional’s engines or set the course for any business looking to socialize their message.”
Patrice Watson, Chief Strategist/CEO, Raise Your Share
The next program is scheduled for Feb 9, 16 and 23, and we are expecting this to sell out as well, so please register soon if you are planning on attending.
Don’t delay – get your social media marketing certificate and show the world that you know your stuff!
Click here to register or drop me a line if you have any questions.
Try FREE for 5 Days!