

The Power of the Blog

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Feb 28 2011

As I was reading New York Times Magazine yesterday, I came across an article about a Mommy blogger who receives around 100,000 hits on her site per day as she blogs about everything from her family, her job, her kids, her pets or her life as an ex-Mormon. This amount of traffic is a number that every blogger strives for! Coming from woman who blogs daily about her everyday life, businesses should be working to do the same with their corporate blogs. In Krista’s digital marketing training, she talks about the importance of a blog for businesses, large and small.  Here are a few reasons why blogs are an essential tool for your company’s digital marketing plan!

1. People Like Original Content…and so do search engines

People read publications, blogs and other written content because it’s an insight other than their own.  People read for guidance, assistance or just a general understanding of a topic.  Blogs are such a great tool for your business because you provide your audience with information about what your business does as well as providing insightful information and tips relavant to your product or service.  This information is original to YOU and only you.  Therefore, you should create content that potential clients will want to read about.  Also, many search engines are programmed to surface blogs that contain valuable rich content.  In sending out this new, informational content, your blog is put at a higher standard for search engines.  So blog content rich and blog often!

2. Get Personal.

Blogs allow you to step off the pedestal for a moment and provide your readers with a more personal interaction. Blogs allow readers to comment on posts where the writer can then provide personal responses to these audience members.  This form of digital marketing creates that relationship that companies have with their audience and potential clients.  It gives the company personality and a way of showing your audience what you’re about and encouraging client-company interaction.

3. It’s Easy.

In blogs, you are providing YOUR insight. There is no formula for providing advice or expressing your opinion.  Share with your audience what you know and be the expert in your field.  In doing this, you are creating a professional reputation for your company and enhancing your exposure through frequent postings. Creating these frequent posts with lots of key words will increase your SEO and ultimately bring more traffic to your blog and your site. How much easier can it be!

How are you using blogging for your business?

Add me on LinkedIn and follow me on Twitter (@scunn07)!

2 Replies to “The Power of the Blog”

  1. Thanks, Krista. One of our hospital regions setting up a blog where a pediatrician will share insights for parents of young children. Also, I really like this blog by Dr. George Sledge, my wife’s oncologist and president of the American Society of Clinical Ongologists (ASCO): http://connection.asco.org/Bloggers/BlogView/tabid/65/aff/5/aft/460/afv/topic/Default.aspx (Disclaimer: Posting here is my own and does not represent my employer’s positions, strategies or opinions.)

  2. Mike

    Thanks for the comment! The idea of having expert advice is a great content strategy for a blog. There is so much junk out there – I think that having a real, qualified person sharing insights is a great idea. Let me know how it goes! And thanks for sharing that link 😉

    – Krista

    PS – Sarah Cunningham actually wrote this post 😉

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