Social Networks (continued):
The following social networks will be covered in-depth:
- Facebook
- Twitter
- LinkedIn
- Blogging
- Instagram
- Pinterest
- YouTube/Video marketing
We’ll also provide an overview and top-level discussion of how businesses are using other social networks including: SnapChat, Tumbler, Sliedshare, Flickr, discussion forums, review sites and more.
Efficiency and Effectiveness:
Improve your results and ROI (return on investment) by improving your efficiency and effectiveness in social media marketing. This section will help participants take their success to the next level with actionable tools, strategies and tips to get more from their approach, including:
- Visual Social Marketing: Creating powervul visuals to support your strategy.
- Tools to Drive Success: Using tools to get more from your socialmedia implementation (and how to choose the right tools)
- Creating Workflows: Creating social media workflows using proven tools to stay focused on what counts
- Time Management: Managing your time to maximize your results and improve your return on investment
- Strategies for Success: Strategies that will help you stay focused and improve your results
Measuring Social Media:
- Measuring social media is absolutely vital to driving results from social media.
- Measurement and reporting tools (and when you need them)
- Analyzing the results of your efforts
- Adapting your strategy to improve results
- Choosing KPIs to judge your success
- Calculating ROI
Getting Started Successfully:
As we close the session, we want to make sure that you have everything you need to successfully implement your social media strategy. This section will include:
- Choosing where to start
- Putting together your work process (daily, weekly, monthly)
- Prioritizing your next steps