
Infographics, Social Media Strategy

Steps to Building A Social Media Plan: Infographic

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Krista Neher

Mar 18 2014

While social media has now been around for many years, many businesses still struggle with building a social media strategy that gets real results. The reason is that we often get caught up in the implementation and forget to continue to link back to our strategies.

These 8 Steps to Building a Social Media Strategy originated in my bestselling Book Social Media Field Guide and were also used as the basis for the textbook that I coauthored. As you consider your social media marketing, don’t forget to be strategic and always link back to your objectives. 

Steps to Building a Social Media Plan



Listen across social media channels for conversations about your business or brand, competitors and industry.  Pay attention to conversations from people in your target market. What do they talk about? How do they talk?


Marketing Strategies and Objectives:

What are your key marketing strategies and objectives?  What do you hope to achieve from using social media?  What results will equal success?


Target Audience:

Who is the target audience for your social media marketing activities?  Where are they online?  What do they talk about?  How do they interact with each other?  Who are they key influencers that you want to build relationships with?



What is the right content plan to meet your marketing objectives and effectively reach your target audience?  Content must be relevant, interesting and engaging?



What are the right sites to engage in for your social media marketing strategy?  What social media sites represent the biggest opportunities for your content given your marketing goals and your target audience?



Plan and execute a social media presence in your key social media platforms.  Begin posting, sharing and creating content.  Build relationships.  Interact with people.  Join community discussions.

Track and Measure:

The key to continued and improved success in social media is to continuously track and measure your social media marketing.  Continuously test different content and content variations and track and measure the results.  Always be testing.  Measure your success – both qualitative and quantitative.



Based on your results adjust your strategy.  Be flexible.  Allow results and interactions to lead to re-evaluation of your strategies.



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