Sep 24 2013
Social media marketing is growing more and more visually-focused every second, it’s crucial to get on board with networks like Pinterest in order to grow your brand or business online.
It doesn’t matter what kind of business you are, Pinterest is for everyone. Whether you’re B2B, B2C, or an individual professional, Pinterest is an easy way to share your ideas and get in front of people. On average, Pinterest shoppers spend between $140-$180 per order, compared to $60-$80 from Facebook and Twitter. Pinterest is generated by users more than anything – 70% of brand engagement comes from users instead of brand.
You will leave this training with knowledge about Pinterest, who exactly is on Pinterest, consumer trends, opening a Pinterest account for your business, and how to develop a successful marketing strategy. Our Pinterest for Business Training Class will show you how to finally make yourself heard online.
DETAILS for the LIVE Training in Cincinnati…
Most businesses are now active on social media, but few are reaching the consumers they want and getting the results they want. Internet users are tired of text-heavy social media marketing, and are now leaning towards visually-focused content. Even if you cannot make the live class in Cincinnati, we are offering an online webinar so that you have the opportunity to learn about Pinterest marketing. Our seats fill up quickly so register today to save a spot:
Learn how to get huge results by using Pinterest. You’ll get:
Join our training class and let me help you reach out to your consumers and expand your company nationally and internationally!
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