
Author: Krista Neher

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The Latest in Search from Google: Matt Cutts shares what you NEED TO KNOW #PubCon

Krista Neher

Oct 23 2013

This is "straight from the horses mouth" - meaning I'm at Pubcon listening to the updates from Matt Cutts who heads webpsam at Google.... This is where google is going. The Key messages: Social impacts search, identity matters, mobile will...

Education everytime – from SoundCloud Audio Style!

Krista Neher

Oct 01 2013

Vivamus a luctus elit. Donec massa odio, fringilla in pellentesque a, pulvinar ut nunc. Nulla semper faucibus convallis. Sed elementum est ut metus condimentum laoreet. Integer feugiat neque eu commodo feugiat. Sed sit amet posuere elit. Vestibulum erat arcu, ultricies...

World War D: The Never Ending Quest for Data from #D2Cincy

Krista Neher

Sep 11 2013

At the D2 Cincinnati conference today, I learned about World War D: The Never Ending Quest for Data. Panelists include Lung Huang from DunnhumbyUSA, Aaron Fetters from Kellogg's, Heidi Browning from Pandora, Josh Chasin from comScore and Danielle Seth from...

Sed in odio faucibus

Krista Neher

Sep 01 2013

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur placerat eu lacus in facilisis. Vivamus sit amet imperdiet eros. Quisque condimentum eros at tortor hendrerit, non consectetur metus malesuada. Nam blandit nisl nisl. Nullam et leo ipsum. Etiam in elit...

Breaking News: Facebook Changes Contest Promotion Rules

Krista Neher

Aug 28 2013

This is one of the biggest and most exciting changes that Facebook has made recently. Today Facebook lifted a number of the restrictions that they had placed on contests and promotions. Contests and promotions are one of the leading ways...

LinkedIn Becomes a Publisher with Influencers and LinkedIn Today

Krista Neher

Aug 13 2013

LinkedIn is more than just a social network... it is starting to also become a publisher. I saw an article this morning on AdAge about the new LinkedIn program. This means that LinkedIn will become an EVEN MORE IMPORTANT SOCIAL NETWORK....

Instagram Vs. Vine Video: What is the Difference?

Krista Neher

Jul 29 2013

Video in 15 seconds or less seems to be emerging as the new trend in social media. Twitter launched Vine a few months ago, which allowed users to create short (6 second videos). While Vine was launched by Twitter, Vine...

I’m Writing Visual Social Marketing for Dummies

Krista Neher

Jul 24 2013

I wanted you to be the first to know (well, after my mother) that I have a contract with Wiley and am working on the book "Visual Social Marketing for Dummies".  I am really excited about the opportunity and can't...

The Social Media Amplification Theory

Krista Neher

Jul 15 2013

Social media is in many ways an amplifier. It takes what people are saying and makes it louder. Before social media, if I had a good or bad experience with a company, I would share that experience with my friends....
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