
Author: Krista Neher

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Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Getting More Fans

Krista Neher

Jan 23 2012

One of the top questions that I am asked is: "How can I get more fans to my Facebook page?" This is a common question that businesses ask during our social media training programs, and it can be a legitimate...

Members Tip: SuperCharge Your SEO with Free Press Releases

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

We like to save our best social media and internet marketing tips for our members.  So here you go. We all know the importance of increasing our rankings in search engines like google.  This helps ensure that companies that are...

Next Webinar – January 18 – Location Marketing

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

Join us on January 18 for a webinar about location marketing and how you can leverage it to take your business to the next level. I am really excited to announce the our next webinar – Growing Your Business with...

What’s New and Tool Reviews Will Now be Recorded and Posted Online

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

Every month, as a part of the amazing value that you get with your VIP membership, we offer a webinar that covers what's new in social media as well as a review of a hot new tool or technology. This...

Recorded Q&A Will Now Be Online

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

Great news!  Our member Q&A calls will now be available online.  These popular calls will now be recorded and posted online, so all of your questions and answers can be viewed online. This is your best opportunity to get all...

GeoLocation and FourSquare Social Media Marketing

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

The video below shows you the latest on Geolocation marketing including Facebook Places and Foursquare. If you have a physical location for your business that people go to YOU ABSOLUTELY want to watch this video on location marketing.

Social Media Policy

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

In our June webinar we covered social media policies.  Watch the video to learn why you need a social media policy and what you should include in your social media marketing policy. Be sure to have a pen and paper...

Video Marketing on YouTube

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

YouTube and video marketing are among the biggest opportunities for businesses.  Videos can help sell products, increase conversions, increase engagement and capture leads. In addition, videos make great social media content (you can post them on Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+)....

Google Plus and What it Means to You

Krista Neher

Jan 18 2012

A few weeks ago Google launched their new social network, Google+. Google+ is a social network, Like Facebook that combines the ability to connect with friends (like Facebook), with finding and following other people and conversations (like Twitter). In addition,...
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