Sep 07 2011
Many businesses ask me how much they should plan to spend on social media and importantly, what to spend it on. Altimeter group has done a fantastic job of collecting data from companies about how they structure their organization for...Sep 06 2011
Join us for the Biggest Digital Marketing Party in Cincinnati! The Digital Social is THE Digital Marketing event in Cincinnati. Join us for drinks, appetizers, music and an opportunity to meet and network with some of the biggest names and...Aug 16 2011
I am thrilled to announce that we have secured another amazing guest speaker for our upcoming August Social Media lunch and learn this week at our training room in Cincinnati. Jacob Puhl, President of Firegang Digital Marketing will be co-presenting...Jul 18 2011
Last week we announced the second lunch in our social media lunch and learn seminars at our Cincinnati training room. The main topic of the seminar is You Tube and video marketing, but since there is so much hype and...Jul 14 2011
Social media has evolved a lot over the past 5 years that I have been involved with marketing it, and I think that we are now beginning to see the maturing of the medium (much like what happened with the...Jul 13 2011
That's right - I went all the way to Capitol Hill to speak with US Senate staff about how they can leverage social media for their office. The topic couldn't have been more relevant with "WeinerGate" and the Ohio House...Jul 11 2011
Today I found this awesome infographic on LinkedIn profiles. LinkedIn may be more active than you think. Some of the key highlights include: 67% check LinkedIn multiple times a week 81% of LinkedIners are a member of at least one...Jun 24 2011
I have trained thousands of people in social media marketing over the last few years, and over time I have noticed a number of "myths" that many people have been led to believe about social media. Since social media is...May 20 2011
I created my book, The Social Media Field Guide as a strategic tool to help businesses create and execute effective social media marketing. One of the areas where businesses need the most help is in measuring the effectiveness of their...Try FREE for 5 Days!