
Author: Krista Neher

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How to Create a Digital Training Program for your Advertising Agency

Krista Neher

Mar 04 2011

Ad agencies are quickly trying to get up to speed on digital and internet marketing.  We work with many of them each year to develop comprehensive, integrated learning plans for them. A recent Wall Street Journal study showed that the...

How to Get Started as a Social Media Manager with Little or No Experience

Krista Neher

Mar 02 2011

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking at the Ad Club Career Rocket about careers in social media.  There are many young people looking to get in to this emerging and growing field, yet it is difficult to get...

How to Create a Social Media Training Program for your Marketing Department

Krista Neher

Feb 28 2011

I train a lot of marketing professionals each year, and over the last few months I’ve definitely noticed an increase in requests for training from marketing departments.  Many marketing groups are starting to realize that social media and internet marketing...

Using Facebook for Business

Krista Neher

Feb 25 2011

Everyone knows that LinkedIn can help further your career, but it is not the only social media site with that ability.  Facebook has many feature that can be an asset to the growth of your business and career.  Easy to use and highly effective, some...

Why Small Businesses Should be Using Social Media

Krista Neher

Feb 24 2011

Many small businesses are already taking advantage of social media as a part of their marketing strategy.  Those who aren’t leveraging social media and internet marketing might be missing out on one of the most important things that has happened...

Things You Can and Can’t do when You’re Logged on as a Facebook Fanpage

Krista Neher

Feb 22 2011

Facebook recently added new features to its fanpages that allows administrators to use their fanpages as their profile.  This is really helpful to businesses and allows for more exposure of their brand.  For example, once the administator is logged on...

Incredible Social Media Stats from 2010

Krista Neher

Feb 21 2011

We all know that social media has exploded in popularity, but what we don't realize is the magnitude to which it is still growing.  This past year social media has seen huge expansions.  Below are some of the noteworthy statistics...

The Stats on Social Media Spending

Krista Neher

Feb 18 2011

We all know that social media has become a big component in business to customer marketing, as well as business to business.  But just how much cash are companies willing to drop to utilize this new form of marketing? 1....

Marketing Department Social Media Training: 7 Tips for Success

Krista Neher

Feb 16 2011

We train a lot of marketing departments in social media and internet marketing, and over the years there is a lot that I’ve learned about how to create a successful training program.  It is important to invest time upfront to...
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