
Category: Mobile

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This Week in Social Media: A Social Network for Your Pet, Facebook and the 1st Amendment, “Twerking” on Google Trends, and more!

Carolyn Coates

Sep 20 2013

This week in social media brought a new iOS update, an app just for you and your pet, Facebook "likes" gaining constitutional validity, the power of angry tweets, and the growth of searches for "twerking." 1. Apple iOS7 Update By...

This Week in Social Media

Carolyn Coates

Jul 19 2013

Social media continued to change and improve this week, not much of a surprise, right? Facebook Pages revamped their Insights, Twitter for BlackBerry got a facelift, and Foursquare and LinkedIn updates allow users to connect and interact more easily. 1....

Announcing Our Brand New Online Boot Camp!


Aug 29 2012

As many of you may know, I've been working on bringing our Boot Camp program online for a while now.  Over the years we've sold DVDs and had an online video module, but now, after MANY MONTHS of work we...

MobileX Cincy Recap


Mar 09 2012

This week I had the pleasure of attending the MobileX conference in Cincinnati, OH.  It was a sold-out event and I am very happy I had a chance to be there! For those who are not familiar with the MobileX...

Cincinnati Social Media Training Lunch: Location Marketing with Yelp, Facebook Places, Foursquare and More!

Krista Neher

Jan 04 2012

I am really excited to announce the our next Social Media Lunch - Growing Your Business with Yelp, Foursquare, Facebook Places and location social networks.  This program really excites me because I know that there are many businesses that are...

Foursquare in 2010 – Infographics

Krista Neher

Jan 26 2011

Foursquare has a lot of potential, and most social media authorities project that location social networks, like Foursquare, Gowalla and Facebook Places, will experience huge growth in the next few years. This infographic shows key Foursquare trends for 2010. Foursquare...

Twitter Ads


Jun 18 2010

Twitter Launches Promoted Trends I read an article recently about Twitter selling ad space, back in April Twitter introduced Promoted Tweets, a platform to allow businesses to promote themselves within the Twitter stream. Now it seems Twitter has launched Promoted...

iPhone 4 Will Change Communications Forever, Forever


Jun 09 2010

How will iPhone 4 change communications? Simple. Apple’s new ‘Face Time’ feature coming out with the new iPhone, set to be released on June 24, 2010, will for the first time ever provide a viable real-time mobile video chat option. With...

Bootcamp Digital Presentation – Emerging Trends in Mobile Marketing

Krista Neher

Oct 26 2009

Want to get up-to-date training for Mobile Marketing in 2012? No problem! We have just launched our Pin Point Programs, which are 90-minute social media online training classes about the hottest topics in social media. Our online mobile marketing course...
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