Dec 07 2009
It is official. Twitter is popular.
According to the Global Language Monitor “twitter” was the most popular word of 2009.
That is right. Twitter beat out major international news events like H1N1 (3rd place) and the election of President Obama (second place).
Shocked? I was (and I’m a social media junkie). Is Twitter (in the context of the website) even acknowledged in the dictionary?
Also amusing, twitter is defined as “the ability to encapsulate human thought into 140 characters”.
Also surprising was that 2.0 was rated #6 (and defined as “The 2.0 suffix is attached to the next generation of everything”).
Interestingly only 1 web word made the top 10 phrases – “Cloud Computing”.
This information really highlights the significance of the web in the mainstream.
You can see the whole list here. You can also see previous years highlights here.
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