
Author: Krista Neher

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Frustrated with measuring social media? 5 Steps to Get you Started.

Krista Neher

Jul 10 2013

Measuring social media continues to be one of the biggest challenges that most social media marketers face. Social media includes countless metrics and measurements, yet turning these into meaningful and actionable insights tends to be the big challenge. As I'm...

Are You (or someone you know) Struggling to “get” Social Media?

Krista Neher

Jul 09 2013

The stats are in. Social media is huge. It is transforming business and the way that we communicate. It isn't a fad. It is here. Yet many business professionals still don't really understand social media, and aren't entirely sure what...

Why You Can’t Ignore the Need for Social Media Training

Krista Neher

Jul 02 2013

I’ve been thinking a lot about why social media training is so valuable for individuals and organizations. I think back to my days in the corporate world at Procter & Gamble, and I remember participating in lots of soft skill...

How To: Train Your Organization in Social Media in 4 Steps

Krista Neher

Jun 26 2013

I’ve been doing social media training for over 5 years now, and one of the things that I’ve noticed is that many businesses still don’t have a solid social media training plan. They want their employees to be more up-to-date...

10 Ways to Stay Up-To-Date in Social Media

Krista Neher

Jun 24 2013

As social media continuously grows and evolves, many people struggle to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and changes.  It doesn’t have to be that hard – here are some of the best ways to stay on the cutting edge...

How to Connect with The Media in Social Media

Krista Neher

May 17 2013

[caption id="attachment_7286" align="alignright" width="303"] At the Hamilton County Business Center (event put on by The Circuit)[/caption] This morning I had the pleasure of attending an event at the HCBC about how to work with the media in the age of...

Social Media and PR: PubCon Styles

Krista Neher

May 07 2013

I had the pleasure of moderating a session on Social Media and PR at #PubCon New Orleans today.  Here is a recap of the highlights from the different panelists: Jay Berkowitz - CEO of the Ten Golden Rules Media are...

Measuring Social Media with Alan K’necht

Krista Neher

Apr 26 2013

Analytics and measurement is one of the hottest topics in social media. On Monday I gave a social media measurement workshop at PubCon as a part of the All Access Pass training program. Alan's presentation was full of useful information...

Visual Social Media for Publicity and Profit – with Lisa Buyer #PubCon

Krista Neher

Apr 25 2013

Lisa Buyer is one of the people I most look forward to hearing from at PubCon - she doesn't just share concepts - she always has amazing examples that make her points tangible and actionable. Her presentation included a ton...
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