
Author: Krista Neher

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October 2023 Digital News Updates – Multiple Facebook Profiles, TikTok Testing Ad-Free Viewing, and More!

Krista Neher

Oct 05 2023

Members of our All Access Pass get the first look at the latest digital marketing news updates each month. We cover what matters to marketers during a live, interactive session and answer questions. We spend hours combing industry news sites...
How Your Business Can Grow Your Community Management

How Your Business Can Grow Your Community Management

Krista Neher

Sep 12 2023

How Your Business Can Grow Community Management? The idea of community management is that by engaging in conversations and participating in discussions, you will build relationships with people, and they will have more affinity toward your product or business. This...
September 2023 Digital News Update

September 2023 Digital News Updates – Facebook Hits 3B Users and ChatGPT Goes Enterprise

Krista Neher

Sep 08 2023

We spend hours combing industry news sites looking for the most critical updates, so you don’t have to! Members of our All Access Pass get the first look at the latest digital marketing news updates each month. We cover what...
What is Conversational Marketing

What Is Conversational Marketing?

Krista Neher

Sep 05 2023

What Is Conversational Marketing? Conversational marketing focuses on driving conversations or harnessing influencers or partners to promote your business, usually in conversations. Conversational marketing includes several different core digital marketing strategies: Influencer marketing Ratings and reviews Community management Online public...
Mobile-First over Mobile Optimization

Mobile-First Over Mobile Optimization

Krista Neher

Aug 29 2023

Mobile-First Over Mobile Optimization When the first iPhone launched in 2007, digital marketers were all about mobile optimization, which means taking your existing desktop-based digital and making it work on mobile. As of 2022, 58% of web traffic is now...
Focus on Digital Marketing for Big Impact

Focus on Prioritizing Digital Marketing For Big Impact

Krista Neher

Aug 22 2023

Focus on Prioritizing Digital Marketing For Big Impact There are no easy answers to how to focus on prioritizing digital marketing, but there are two models, Hero, Hub, & Hygiene and Investment/Impact that you can use to help prioritize your...
Calculating ROI for Digital Marketing Impact

Calculating ROI for Digital Marketing Impact

Krista Neher

Aug 15 2023

Calculating ROI for Digital Marketing Return on Investments  ROI is calculated as ROI = (Return – Investment)/Investment. Seems pretty straightforward, right? There are only two things involved – the return and the investment. The reality is that calculating ROI for...
Digital PR Trends for Your Business

Digital PR Trends for Your Business

Krista Neher

Aug 08 2023

Digital PR Trends For Your Business Public relations (PR) happens everywhere – both online and offline. That being said, there are two areas to consider concerning public relations and digital marketing, presentation and opportunities. Presentation: The first is ensuring that...
Building Your Digital Marketing Plan for Success

Building Your Digital Marketing Plan for Success

Krista Neher

Aug 01 2023

Building Your Digital Marketing Plan for Success Building your digital marketing plan is not rocket science, but it does take time and effort. The more time and effort you put into your strategy will help you build a marketing plan...
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