Nov 18 2014
In this edition of “This Week in Social Media,” we talk about Facebook launching an update to its ads platform, Twitter gets an audio update, and Pinterest allows iOS users to Pin directly from their browser.
Just a few days ago Facebook made a somewhat big announcement regarding posts made by Pages. Over the last few months Facebook has asked it’s users to take a survey to see what type of posts they genuinely like to see, and what they don’t. After researching the data, Facebook came to the conclusion that users prefer only to see posts that are relevant to them and not promotional.
Facebook Promotional Posts Starting in January 2015, Facebook will start to regulate what type of updates from Pages will make it onto users News Feed. According to the survey, the following posts will see less distribution:
Additionally, Facebook rolled out new controls to allow users to alter the amount of posts they see from particular Friends and Pages. Users will now have the option to see fewer posts from a particular brand if they choose to do so. This means it is now more important than ever to create content that is relevant to your audience and what they want to see.
One of the important features has eluded Instagram since its inception, but that is no longer. As of this week Instagram made what could very well be their biggest update, the ability to edit status updates after they’ve been posted. No more deleting a status update to correct a grammatical error only to re-post it moments later- you can now do that directly from the App (both iOS and Andriod support the latest feature).
Also, in the latest update the company revamped their search functionality. On the Explore page (magnifying glass icon) you will now see two tabs, Photos and People. The Photos tab still contains the photos and videos you are already familiar with and has not changed. The big addition comes with the People tab. The new People tab highlights interesting accounts for you to discover based on many factors including who you currently follow.
While there are no new features or changes yet on Twitter, the company did release some insights as to what they are working on and what we can expect to see in the near future. The VP of Product, Kevin Weil, stated, “Ultimately, we believe there is something for everyone at any time on Twitter, and we want to make finding your niche simple from the start.”
One of the biggest features discussed that we are excited to see rolled-out is the ability to create and edit video natively within the Twitter App. According to Weil, users can expect to see this feature be introduced in the first half of next year. Another change on its way is Twitter is building a way to highlight relevant Tweets that we might have missed earlier in the day. The goal is to “resurface” these Tweets the next time we log on to Twitter, so users don’t miss important information. No timeline was announced for this particular feature as of yet, but we can expect it soon. In the end Weil had this to say, “Over the coming months, we are picking up the pace of product changes and improvements.” ”
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