Mar 01 2010
Last week, Tech Crunch reported that new data released by Gigya shows that 44% of sharing online happens through Facebook, with an additional 29% coming through Twitter. (note – this data does not include email as a sharing source. Almost half of all sharing happens on Facebook and almost three quarters of sharing takes place on twitter and Facebook combined.
What are the implications of this for your business?
If you want your content to travel – make it Shareable.
Don’t Forget Email
While email wasn’t included in this survey, according to EMarketer, email remains one of the top ways that people share content. Be sure to include email as a way for readers to share your content. Email has also been shown to have higher engagement rates; meaning that people who receive content via email tend to spend more time on that content and be more interested.
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Also see articles by Marketing Pilgrim and DM Confidential.
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Thanks for sharing, Krista. My wife's blog,, consistently gets more traffic from Facebook than any other source — other than direct. Networked Blogs brings much of the traffic. Twitter and feeds from other blogs rank far behind Facebook. ShareThis is a helpful tool. (By the way, visits to the blog have continued to grow and grow!!! She posts four times a week, on average)