
Social Networks

LinkedIn Company Pages and What they Mean to You

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Krista Neher

Nov 16 2010

At the beginning of the month LinkedIn launched company pages.  I have been a big advocate of LinkedIn for years now and have trained many sales and marketing professionals on how to use it.  The Company pages are a great addition to LinkedIn.

What Are LinkedIn Company Pages?

Company pages are free and they allow businesses to post information about their company, job openings or products and services.  I am really excited about this because it allows small and medium businesses a new venue to promote themselves online.

I am curious to see how well the LinkedIn pages rank in search engines.  This could be another way for businesses to gain search engine rankings by creating LinkedIn pages for their products and services.

According to LinkedIn:

Company Profiles are a powerful research tool that helps you find and explore potential companies to work for or do business with. Profiles feature a company overview, who you know at the company, and unique data from the LinkedIn network.

I quickly set up pages for my business.

The Company Profile Page

The first page is the company profile page.  What is new and different about the LinkedIN company profile is that it now includes more information about a business.  You can see all of the employees who work for the business, basic corporate information and company descriptions.  Twitter, blogs and maps are also integrated.

One of the interesting new features is that you can now follow a company and stay up to date on their jobs, new products and activities on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn Job Postings

You can post jobs in the jobs tab of your LinkedIn page, providing more visibility for postings.  Job postings on LinkedIn aren’t free, but they can give you a lot of targeted exposure.  Including job postings on company pages can help people interested in your company stay up-to-date.

LinkedIn Products and Services

This is the feature that I am most excited about.  LinkedIN now allows you to create pages with information about product and services.  This could be powerful for search optimization, depending on how well these product pages will rank in search results.

The cool thing about the LinkedIn company pages is that they allow you to recommend the products and services.  This is an expansion of the recommendations that you can currently write about people.   The potential here is pretty big since there are plenty of recommendation sites for restaurants and stores, but very few for BtoB services.  This could have great potential if it catches on.

Hopefully this doesn’t turn in to yet another spree of requesting recommendations 😉

What should you do?

Check out the company page for your business.  Be sure that all information is accurate and complete.

Set up product and services pages for one or two of your main products.  Include as much information as possible – it will help your products show up in LinkedIn searches.

I’ll keep you updated as I start to experiment more, and let you know what kind of results we see.

– Krista

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