
Author: Krista Neher

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Register Now (before it sells out) for Social Media Certification from the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State

Krista Neher

Jan 07 2011

Back in November I posted about a new program that I launched with Cincinnati State - A social media certification program from the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State.  (Check out the website for all of the details) The...

Challenge: Make Linkedin Your New Years Resolution

Krista Neher

Jan 06 2011

It's that time of year again... the time when we make and proceed to break our New Year's resolutions, when we reset our goals and when weight loss ads are peering out of every corner ;-) I always take some...

10 Great Case Studies of B2B Marketing with Social Media

Krista Neher

Dec 20 2010

The last place most business men and women expect to find new business contacts is on social media websites.  However, places like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Linkdin, are great ways to connect with customers on a business to business level. ...

9 Ways to Protect your Privacy on Facebook

Krista Neher

Dec 17 2010

These days it seems like everyone has a Facebook.  Your entire life is just one click away from the rest of the world seeing it. You have to protect yourself and your privacy online. Luckily Facebook provides many privacy options...

Announcing my Partnership with the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State

Krista Neher

Nov 15 2010

I am pleased to announce that I am working with Cincinnati State on The Institute for Social Media.  The goal of the Institute is to provide businesses and individuals with a comprehensive understanding of social media. The Institute was launched...

Introducing Boot Camp Digital’s Video Podcast – First episode: FourSquare Part I

Krista Neher

May 21 2010

In Boot Camp Digital's first-ever video Podcast, CEO Krista Neher discusses the popular location-based social media service, FourSquare. Be sure to subscribe the Podcast through the Apple iTunes Store very soon.

SXSW Recap: Why it is THE place to be.

Krista Neher

Mar 31 2010

First, for those of you who are not familiar with South by Southwest (sxsw) - dubbed "Spring Break for Geeks" sxsw is one of the must attend events for those in the digital space.  While sxsw may be best known...

Take Advantage of the Growth in Mobile this Year with MobileCoupons.com

Krista Neher

Jan 26 2010

We are really excited at Boot Camp Digital to be working with a client that has a product that we really think can make a market impact this year.  Adage recently posted an article on 5 Mobile Trends for next...

7 Mistakes Companies Make on FaceBook and how to Avoid Them

Krista Neher

Oct 29 2009

Facebook is big and getting bigger with over 300 million active users of which over 50% are active every day. While Facebook is clearly an engaging platform for users to connect with friends, marketers have struggled with how to use...
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