
Category: Video

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Instagram Vs. Vine Video: What is the Difference?

Krista Neher

Jul 29 2013

Video in 15 seconds or less seems to be emerging as the new trend in social media. Twitter launched Vine a few months ago, which allowed users to create short (6 second videos). While Vine was launched by Twitter, Vine...

The Top 5 Brands You Should Follow on YouTube

Carolyn Coates

Jul 08 2013

YouTube is the most popular video sharing website and the second most used search engine next to Google. With over 1 billion unique users a month, YouTube users are more engaged - spending on average over 5 hours a month...

15 Awesome Social Media Stats in 2011


Jul 08 2011

Everyday you can find new surprising social media facts and stats.  There are a number of companies who constantly share their latest research, studies and infographics about social media.  In this day and age people have a general understanding that...

How YouTube Can Benefit Your Company


Jun 09 2011

It seems so hard to believe that YouTube is the world’s second biggest search engine.  YouTube, the search engine?  Really?  Think about it, how many times have you: Utilized a short tutorial to help you understand how to use a...

Video Marketing: How YouTube can build your business


Feb 21 2011

A team at Pingdom.com conducted a recent survey and found that YouTube gets over 490 million unique users per month from all across the world.  To put it in perspective, this amounts to 92 billion page views each month!  Also,...

Facebook Marketing Social Media Tips & Tricks


Sep 21 2010

Facebook Marketing Social Media Tips & Tricks from on Vimeo. Want some more up-to-date Facebook training for 2012? Don't worry! We are now offering online Facebook marketing training to give access to our top-rated social media training to people all...

iPhone 4 Will Change Communications Forever, Forever


Jun 09 2010

How will iPhone 4 change communications? Simple. Apple’s new ‘Face Time’ feature coming out with the new iPhone, set to be released on June 24, 2010, will for the first time ever provide a viable real-time mobile video chat option. With...

Introducing Boot Camp Digital’s Video Podcast – First episode: FourSquare Part I

Krista Neher

May 21 2010

In Boot Camp Digital's first-ever video Podcast, CEO Krista Neher discusses the popular location-based social media service, FourSquare. Be sure to subscribe the Podcast through the Apple iTunes Store very soon.

Brands get in on the Flash Mob Game

Krista Neher

Feb 24 2010

According to Wikipedia, a flash mob (or flashmob)[1] is a large group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse. The term flash mob is generally...
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