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Why Train Marketing Teams on AI? Scale + Speed + Consistency

Krista Neher

Feb 27 2025

AI transforms marketing, but its impact is limited without scale, speed, and consistency. Organizations that integrate AI across workflows see real results. Here’s what it takes to make AI a true force multiplier in your marketing. SCALE: Expand AI Across...

3 key elements of a corporate social media policy


Aug 27 2012

Employees are brand advocates of an organization. They are the voice of your company, delivering the brand promise to your customers. With the advent of social media, your employees are engaging in online conversations a lot more in ways that...

Now Hiring – Interns in Cincinnati


Aug 24 2012

Marketing experts today believe that social media marketing will only continue to grow in importance in the business world. Meaning that getting some social media marketing experience is the very best thing you can put on your resume! Boot Camp...

3 Tools to Streamline Your Social Media (You’d Be Surprised What’s Worked for Us!)


Aug 16 2012

Last week, Boot Camp Digital hosted a social media lunch and learn class in Cincinnati called "10 Tools to Streamline Your Social Media." I was able to sit in on the class in which Krista shared some of Boot Camp...

Upcoming Social Media Class: The Pinpoint of Pinterest


Aug 15 2012

Pinterest has exploded on the social networking scene in the past several months, and is one of the fastest growing social services in the world. By January 2012, Pinterest had 11.7 million unique users, making it the fastest site in...

New Social Media Class: Google+ for Your Business


Aug 14 2012

Google+ is a social network that combines the sharing ability of Facebook with the open following of Twitter. At this point, now that Google+ is over a year old, you most likely know a little bit about it but have no...

Cincinnati Businesses Participate in Social Media

Krista Neher

Aug 09 2012

Last month we published our Infographic on Social Media in Cincinnati.  I wanted to take a moment to re-share the infographic and to specifically share some thoughts on the Business use of Social Media in Cincinnati. Cincinnati Companies are Highly...

Check In for Charity in August


Aug 03 2012

We are happy to announce the next charity we will be donating to in our monthly Facebook and Foursquare Check-In for Charity campaign! We love the idea of using social media for a good cause, and we appreciate all of the...

5 Tips for Getting Your Organization Onboard with Social Media

Krista Neher

Aug 02 2012

At our social media training programs we typically interact with people who are the champions for social media in their organization.  One of the greatest challenges that they have is getting their organization onboard with their social media plans. For...

Facebook Timeline Isn’t Just About a Big Picture: How Are You Taking Advantage of It?

Krista Neher

Aug 01 2012

Facebook launched Timeline back in February and brands were required to adopt the new layout by the end of March.  So now, brands are all on the new Facebook Timeline view, but very few are taking full advantage of all...
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