
Category: Content Marketing

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Digital Marketing 101: The Core Things that Every Marketer (or business professional) Needs to Understand

Krista Neher

Jan 04 2016

When it comes to digital marketing, many business professionals are intimidated and don’t know where to start. That is understandable – it is a large and confusing world. If you aren’t sure where to start or what you really need...

5 Social Media Mistakes that are Sabotaging Your Success (and how to avoid them)

Krista Neher

Nov 03 2015

As social media has grown and evolved, getting results has become more and more difficult. Many businesses still struggle to get results from their social media marketing. Not because social media doesn’t work, but because they are making simple mistakes...

3 Easy Ways to Link Your SEO Strategy to Your Content Strategy

Krista Neher

Jul 14 2015

I was recently on a content marketing panel with other industry experts, and one of the other panelists said that SEO shouldn’t even be considered in a content marketing strategy. ARGH!!?!?!?!?! Why do we need to make everything black and...

Repromote Your Best Social Media Content to Increase ROI

Krista Neher

Jun 02 2015

I've talked in the past about Marketing your Marketing and content Repurposing, but what we sometimes forget about is repromoting our content - especially our best content. The idea is that usually when we create a piece of content -...

5 Ways to Make Your Social Content More Interesting

Krista Neher

Mar 10 2015

Social media is a crowded space and it is harder and harder to break through. Here are 5 quick tips that can make your content more interesting and effective. 1. Be short. 2. Be funny. 3. Link to pop culture....

Social Media Tip: Brevity Wins

Krista Neher

Oct 30 2014

When you are communicating keep it short. People are overwhelmed. They have too much information coming at them. They don't have time for you. We learned this through social media, but it applies to everything. Whether it is email, direct...

Permission Marketing vs. Interruption Marketing

Krista Neher

Oct 21 2014

Seth Godin coined the phrases permission marketing and interruption marketing many years ago, yet many marketers still haven’t truly come to understand the differences, and how they need to adapt their thinking. Even in general interruption advertising like billboards and...

Apparently I try too hard in social media…. #SocialEffortScale

Krista Neher

Jun 18 2014

This made me smile today so I wanted to share. Axe launched a Social Effort Scale, which will tell you if you "try too hard" at social media. Basically, they analyze your social media content and tell you how hard you...

Social Media Content Tip: Be Interestinger

Krista Neher

Jun 10 2014

The biggest problem with most social media content is that its just boring. Social media marketers focus more on what time of day to post or whether the post should be a picture, a link or text and following a content...
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