Jan 23 2018
New data from BuzzSumo analyzed 100,000 headlines to learn about which headlines really draw people in and get results. If your goal is to send people to your blog or website, then this will make you a million times more...Jan 03 2018
It's undeniable that video is an incredibly powerful form of content. It's engaging, entertaining, and everyone's viewing it. When you do it right, the results are amazing. When you don't, they're disappointing, at best. We've got social video stats to...Dec 19 2017
Influencer marketing is absolutely everywhere. Whether you hire a celebrity to take a photo with your product, a blogger to use it in a recipe, or simply offer a percentage of the sale price to anyone with a social media...Dec 12 2017
There is no denying we are surrounded by an overload of content all the time. So how can you make great content that stands out from all the noise? In order for your message to gain traction and create engagement,...Nov 29 2017
Data analysis, including evaluation of engagement rates, guide content best practices. Here's just a few based on lessons learned from analytics: Most Facebook users watch video with sound off, so create videos with captions that can be understood clearly with...Nov 21 2017
It strikes me as funny that we're talking about Netflix content on YouTube, but Netflix did something really interesting and unexpected recently that might have the PR world thinking differently about those quarterly earnings calls. There is a type of...Aug 31 2017
A study from Conversant showed that 65% of consumers are fed up with irrelevant content. I personally find it amazing on digital marketing how many brands and platforms can't seem to get their targeting down. I see foreign language ads...May 08 2017
Facebook Top News - May 2017 Facebook F8 Recap- Facebook held their annual F8 Developers conference in mid-April. There were tons of updates and announcements. Check out this post for the 10 most important announcements. As features go live we...Apr 19 2017
In the early days of social media and content marketing we used to talk A LOT about content calendars and frequency. This is still one of the most discussed topics in social media, and yes, there are some general best...Try FREE for 5 Days!