
LinkedIn for Sales

Bottom Shape
  • LinkedIn for sales workshop
  • Powerful tips and tricks
  • Fully customized for your audience and goals
  • Action-oriented to drive results
  • Hands-on and interactive
  • Templates and checklists
  • Beginner to advanced
  • Online and in-person


Contact us today at 513.223.3878 or via email.

Top Shape

Who We've Worked With

Course Length

1/2-Day to 2-Days


Hands-on Program


Industry and Audience

Knowledge Level

Beginner – Advanced

LinkedIn for Sales
Customized Team Training Workshop

LinkedIn is one of the most powerful tools for sales and business development and has the opportunity to bring results at all stages of the sales funnel. Most business professionals have a presence on LinkedIn but fail to really take advantage of the platform. LinkedIn can be a powerful tool for sales professionals to not just create a presence but establish relationships, find leads, build their reputation, grow their credibility and create top-of-mind awareness with customers and prospects.

This workshop goes beyond the basics of using LinkedIn (although we can incorporate best practices from our LinkedIn for Business Professionals Workshop) and focuses on how to strategically use LinkedIn as a part of the sales process. This program includes advanced strategies, tips and tricks that will take your LinkedIn effectiveness to the next level.

We customize our training programs to match your industry and audience.

Discover What’s Possible For Your Team

Contact us with questions 513.223.3878 or via email.

Workshop Outline

This workshop can be customized to match the objectives and knowledge level of your sales team. We create an interactive hands-on program that focuses on how to use LinkedIn at every stage of the sales process.

Note: This is our typical program outline that can be customized based on the needs of your specific audience, your learning objectives and the duration of your program.

  • Profile best practices
  • Growing your network tips
  • Overview of LinkedIn opportunities (groups, etc.)
  • Harnessing LinkedIn search
  • Using LinkedIn as a research tool
  • Finding people through groups
  • Connecting with and following businesses
  • How to find targeted prospects
  • Elements of a successful LinkedIn request
  • Using the power of social and introductions to break through
  • Determining your positioning
  • Crafting a content plan
  • Content types: video, images, links, text
  • Content best practices
  • Creating compelling content
  • Building your content plan
  • Participating in groups
  • Groups best practices
  • Sending messages that break-through the noise
  • Elements of a strong LinkedIn sales message
  • Off-LinkedIn messaging
  • Winning friends and influencing people with kindness on LinkedIn
  • Building community on LinkedIn
  • Tagging, commenting on and hashtags to build awareness
  • Creating your LinkedIn action plan
  • Building your commitment to grow on LinkedIn

We’ll create a program that focuses on real results. Our interactive and practical training is action-oriented so that participants are able to perform on-the-job and drive real results. We’ll customize the workshop for your organization and approach.

10+ Years of Rave Reviews

Popular Training Workshops

We can cover a wide range of topics in our training programs, and create a customized curriculum to meet your needs. We’ll work with you to develop relevant learning objectives for your organization.

While we can create content specifically for your organization, some of our more popular training topics include:


Discover how we can take your sales team success to the next level with our LinkedIn training online and in-person. Get a custom proposal and outline.


Get a custom proposal in 48 hours.

Discover What’s Possible For Your Team

Contact us with questions 513.223.3878 or via email.

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