Sep 29 2010
I know that a lot of small businesses and practices are interested in social media marketing to grow their business. I speak with thousands of small business owners a year (probably just like you) who hear about social media but...Apr 14 2010
Last week I was at the BlogWell conference in Cincinnati where David Witt, Manager of Brand Public Relations for General Mills shared how General Mills is creating conversations with influencers through social media. David shared some specific insights from the...Oct 22 2009
Blogs were hot a few years ago, but their popularity with marketers has been lagging lately as focus shifts to twitter, facebook and now iphone apps. But blogs have tremendous potential to play a key role in your marketing strategy. ...Oct 08 2009
This is a presentation that Krista Neher, CEO of Boot Camp Digital gave to executives at the Cincinnati European America Chamber of Commerce. Introduction To Social Media View more presentations from Krista Neher. Here are some of the key ideas of...Oct 06 2009
Social media is the shiny new toy that every marketer wants. And why wouldn't they? Myth #1: Social Media is Free Fact: You should expect to invest in social media. Whether you are spending employee time or paying an agency...Jun 29 2009
Grow Your Business in a Down Economy with Social Media Cincinnati Ohio -- June 29, 2009 - BootCampDigital, a leader in social media consulting and training, today announces the launch of social media marketing courses to help local and regional...Try FREE for 5 Days!