
Tag: social media workshop

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Government Social Media Workshop: What is a Social Media Policy and Why Do You Need One?

Debba Haupert

Oct 13 2015

A few years ago, government communications departments (PIOs, Communications Officers, government agencies) used traditional media for communication with their constituents and communities. Press releases, TV/radio/newspaper interviews, and press conferences gave the government official’s/agency’s positioning on topics/updates. Social media has changed...

Announcing Social Media Lunch Sessions!


May 13 2011

As the rainy spring ushers in new flowers, Boot Camp Digital is rolling our its new products.  We are very happy to announce the latest edition to our new spring lineup, Social Media Lunch Sessions! Each month we'll be hosting...

Announcing my Partnership with the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State

Krista Neher

Nov 15 2010

I am pleased to announce that I am working with Cincinnati State on The Institute for Social Media.  The goal of the Institute is to provide businesses and individuals with a comprehensive understanding of social media. The Institute was launched...

Social Media for CIOs

Krista Neher

Mar 12 2010

I had the pleasure of speaking to a group of CIOs from The Circuit CIO circle about social media.  It was a very interesting discussion, as CIOs have some specific concerns about social media for their organizations. Some of the...
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