Nov 28 2012
At Boot Camp Digital we’ve been providing training for years on social media marketing. With the ease of technology, many companies ask us whether their training program should be in person, on demand online or webinar based. The reality is...Nov 27 2012
Boot Camp Digital is excited to present our latest infographic in preparation for 2013... After 2012's huge year for social media, businesses need to start thinking about their 2013 Internet marketing strategies now! Did you know that 70% of adult...Nov 06 2012
As I was creating our Online Pinterest Training Program I realized that many business owners still aren’t sure about the basics of Pinterest for business. Pinterest is the hottest new social network and it seems as though it almost came...Nov 02 2012
As most of you know, we often create Business Leader Briefings on the hottest topics in social media at the moment, and then give them out for free to our fans and followers. Our latest free report is all about...Oct 30 2012
Last Monday at Boot Camp Digital, we hosted a lunch & learn on Visual Social Marketing. The class was focused on Instagram, Infographics, and Images in social media. (It's now available online if you want to check it out). Last...Oct 29 2012
In Honor of National Cat Day 2012, Boot Camp Digital is proud to present our latest infographic about Cats in Social Media. Did you know that the history of LOLcats dates back as far as the 1870s? Or that some...Oct 24 2012
Boot Camp Digital presents our latest infographic on Measuring Social Media... Did you know that 72% of businesses that use social media don't know how to measure their Return on Investment?? Lots of infographics have been cropping up about social...Oct 23 2012
Yesterday at Boot Camp Digital, we hosted a lunch & learn on Visual Social Marketing. The class primarily focused on Instagram for Business, as well as Infographics. I was especially excited about the Infographics section of the class because, as...Oct 16 2012
Our quarterly 2-Day Social Media Boot Camp, which has been consistently top-rated for the past few years that we've done it, is coming up once again on October 25th and 26th. It will be from 9am to 5 pm each...Try FREE for 5 Days!