Jun 19 2018
Digital Marketing Certification. Is it worth earning? There are a lot of digital marketing certification programs out there and it’s often hard to tell which will provide you with the most value. However, before you ask yourself if (and which)...Oct 07 2011
Social media, internet marketing and digital marketing are the most popular trends in the world of marketing right now. Companies now understand the importance of social media and online community in building brand recognition and influencing the buying decisions of...Mar 28 2011
Missed out on the last certification sessions? Not to worry! With the tremendous amount of success brought from the previous certification programs, Cincinnati State has announced the upcoming dates for the Institute of Social Media's upcoming session. The certification program...Jan 10 2011
Boot Camp Digital is starting off the New Year right! I’m excited to announce the release of my new book “Social Media Field Guide” as it hits Amazon.com and will soon hit the shelves at select bookstores! Many of you...Jan 07 2011
Back in November I posted about a new program that I launched with Cincinnati State - A social media certification program from the Institute for Social Media at Cincinnati State. (Check out the website for all of the details) The...Nov 15 2010
I am pleased to announce that I am working with Cincinnati State on The Institute for Social Media. The goal of the Institute is to provide businesses and individuals with a comprehensive understanding of social media. The Institute was launched...Try FREE for 5 Days!