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Announcing Advanced Twitter Training Course

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Juan Valle

Sep 03 2014

So you know Twitter, but do you know how to use it effectively?

At this point, we assume you have already set-up your Twitter account and know the basics of the social network. Now it’s time for you to use the power that Twitter has to offer, to seek out and reach your audience like never before. With over 271 million active monthly users, finding your ideal customers and engaging with them is easier now than ever before.

Twitter is the world’s best real-time business tool. People that are unfamiliar with Twitter tend to think that it’s all about teenagers talking about their lives. In reality, businesses are strategically using Twitter to identify potential clients, alliances and partnerships, among many other business purposes. This is why you and your business could greatly benefit from using Twitter. Take your Twitter marketing strategy to the next level with our Advanced Twitter training course!


Find your customers like you have never been able to before.

Now that you are an active user of Twitter you know how time-consuming it can be. One could essentially spend hours each day on Twitter building their presence, but we all know you don’t have the time to do that. You will learn about several tools that will help you manage your time online making you more efficient and effective.

Advanced Twitter Training CourseWe’re going to help you be successful on Twitter

We’ll show you exactly how to:

  • How to attract Twitter followers
  • Where to find your audience and ideal customers
  • Discover how to build an effective community
  • Ways to interact with other users on Twitter
  • Using Twitter’s search functionality to find what you want
  • Tools to increase your efficiently and becoming more effective

What you’ll get:

  • 75 minutes of detailed Twitter training
  • Unlimited access to watch on-demand at your convenience
  • Twitter Quickstart Guide for both a personal and business Twitter account to get you up and running quickly
  • Twitter TipSheet to keep the best practices top-of-mind
  • Twitter Checklist to keep you on track
  • A copy of the slides to take notes and download


Length: 75 minutes

Early Bird Investment: $27 (limited rate)


View our new Twitter course here.


Smart marketers understand the importance of using Twitter for marketing.


In the new Advanced Twitter Training course, you will learn how to build an online community successfully by attracting and interacting with other users. Additionally, you will discover how to use the advanced search functionality that Twitter offers to find and locate your ideal customer- no other social network offers that capability.

How to use Twitter for business?

That is often the first question asked. No matter if you are a business owner, executive, marketing manager or even an individual, Twitter can be used to build meaningful long-term relationships with your followers. A successful Twitter marketing strategy can benefit your business or brand and produce incredible results. No matter the size of your company, everyone can use Twitter to build their business.

GuaranteeI can guarantee that you will love this online training and see results. I’ve helped hundreds of companies establish a strategy using these tools so I want to offer you the same trainings so your business can succeed too.

After watching this training (within 30 days), if you’re not completely blown away, let us know how our program failed to generate results and we will be happy to give you a refund – 100% money back guarantee.

– Krista Neher, Founder and CEO


View our new Twitter course here.

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