Nov 12 2015
I’m extremely excited to announce that coming to you in 2016 – Digital Marketing Training Workshops – covering both social media and internet marketing. Starting in 2016, our top-rated training will expand to include more digital marketing topics based on...Nov 03 2015
As social media has grown and evolved, getting results has become more and more difficult. Many businesses still struggle to get results from their social media marketing. Not because social media doesn’t work, but because they are making simple mistakes...Jan 10 2011
Boot Camp Digital is starting off the New Year right! I’m excited to announce the release of my new book “Social Media Field Guide” as it hits and will soon hit the shelves at select bookstores! Many of you...Dec 16 2010
Pew Internet Research recently released a report on Twitter use. The findings were interesting, notably that 8% of American adults use Twitter. Given the amount of attention that Twitter receives you might have thought that the numbers would be higher...Nov 16 2010
At the beginning of the month LinkedIn launched company pages. I have been a big advocate of LinkedIn for years now and have trained many sales and marketing professionals on how to use it. The Company pages are a great...Oct 15 2010
I ran a private corporate training session a few weeks ago for ad advertising agency.... These types of training sessions are always great - not only because I get to help agencies understand social media and internet marketing, but also...Sep 14 2010
That's right! I wanted you to be among the first to know that I have recently confirmed a contract to work on a text book on social media marketing. This is a really exciting project for me to work on...Sep 02 2010
Boot Camp digital provides a number of social media seminars and workshops for businesses of all sizes. We train marketing and PR groups on social media marketing. One thing that I consistently find across our workshops is that many businesses...Sep 01 2010
I do a lot of social media training and strategic consulting to businesses of all sizes. The funny thing is that most business have the same barriers as to why they are not using social media. From fortune 500 countries...Try FREE for 5 Days!