
Author: Krista Neher

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12 Most In-Demand Digital Marketing Skills in 2021

Krista Neher

Jan 23 2021

Marketing is only getting more competitive and with the explosion of digital marketing there is more to know than ever before. Smart marketers stay ahead of the curve by gaining the most in-demand skills quickly. 1. Digital Marketing 101 The...
3 steps to master your productivity

3 Steps to Master Your Productivity: Executive Keynote Presentation

Krista Neher

Jan 21 2021

As a business owner I've been passionate about productivity for some time. Productivity is vital to all professionals - but especially digital marketers. We have to manage multiple priorities and balance urgent requests with completing projects. As a business owner,...
7 Steps to Prepare for Digital First

Digital Marketing is More Important than Ever. Are You Prepared?

Krista Neher

Jan 14 2021

Digital marketing is more important than ever. Here's why: Budgets are shifting towards digital (and are now over 50%) More people are spending more time online Digital is proven to influence purchase decisions (in both B2B and B2C) Digital can...

Most Popular Digital Marketing Workshops in 2021

Krista Neher

Jan 05 2021

Boot Camp Digital works with hundreds of global clients each year providing top-rated digital marketing training workshops. As we look ahead to 2021 there are a number of popular workshops that show some trends in digital marketing capability development. As...
attend a conference

Should I attend a Conference or a Training Course?

Krista Neher

Jan 05 2021

I've attended hundreds of conferences and hundreds of workshops over my career. People often ask: Should I attend a conference or a training course if I want to build my skills? The answer (of course) is that it depends. It...
21 ways to grow your digital skills in 2021

21 Ways to Grow your Digital Skills in 2021

Krista Neher

Dec 28 2020

With the 2021 upon us you are probably plotting, planning and getting organized. We often focus on our business plans and results. But what about your plan for you? Or the people in your organization? How will you stay sharp?...
Reasons to Ignore Digital Trends Predictions in 2021

Why You Should Ignore 2021 Digital Marketing Trends

Krista Neher

Dec 14 2020

'Tis the season for the digital marketing trends in 2021 prediction posts (ok, I'm not going to lie - I created one too). The truth is, that I'm not a big fan of these posts. Or the "get excited over...

21 Digital Marketing Trends for 2021

Krista Neher

Dec 11 2020

The new year is always a great time to pause, reset your strategy and look for new opportunities to grow. So what is new? What should you pay attention to this year? Here are 21 trends to consider for 2021....
Finding digital talent is the top digital challenge

Finding Digital Talent the #1 Digital Challenge in 2021

Krista Neher

Dec 08 2020

New research shows that 51% of marketers rate their #1 challenge for digital as finding talent. This isn't surprising. Digital is still relatively new and digital as a mass marketing channel is less than 10 years old. Many mid-level and...
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