Jul 07 2015
When you want to achieve anything – lose weight, get in shape, grow your career – you need a plan. We have diets, exercise programs and career paths to support these because we know that you are more likely to succeed if you have a specific and clear plan.
The same is true for your personal social media education. If you want to grow your skills, you need to have a plan.
You Need a Plan to be Focused
This is why I created the Personal Social Media Training Program – it is your personal plan to grow your skills in social media. The idea is that with constant and continuous effort you can grow your skills over time.
Variety is Key
A good diet or exercise plan includes variety – so does the Social Media Training Program. Read articles, books, talk to people, go to events, attend social media training – the variety of content will help you maximize your learning.
When you want to do anything you need to make a consistent effort. You don’t lose weight by eating well for one day and you don’t get in shape after one weekend of effort. Be disciplined to carve out the time to invest in yourself over time if you want to see results.
Create a development plan that works for you – based on the amount of time and effort that you can realistically put into it.
Consider this as a starting point:
Try FREE for 5 Days!