
Category: Social Media Strategy

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Steps to Building A Social Media Plan: Infographic

Krista Neher

Mar 18 2014

While social media has now been around for many years, many businesses still struggle with building a social media strategy that gets real results. The reason is that we often get caught up in the implementation and forget to continue...

Your Employees Hold The Keys To LinkedIn Success

Patrick Carroll

Feb 27 2014

A LinkedIn Page is a great hub for your businesses digital activity and is everyone's first thought when using LinkedIn to drive business results. But no matter how strong and optimized your LinkedIn page, it will never have the same...

Announcing LinkedIn 101 Online Training: Putting LinkedIn to Work for You

Carolyn Coates

Feb 20 2014

LinkedIn is becoming one of the most important networks for professionals with over 277 million active users. Being your virtual resume and Rolodex, LinkedIn can help you organize contacts, give opportunities to meet others in your industry, and more. Why...
This week in social media

This Week in Social Media: Klout Steps Up Its Game, Facebook Admin Changes, LinkedIn Company Page Updates, and More!

Carolyn Coates

Feb 14 2014

This week in social media brought big changes for LinkedIn. With over 277 million users, LinkedIn is helping you take your personal and company page to the next level. Twitter's redesign might not be here to stay with new options...
Snapchat marketing

Announcing Marketing in 15 Seconds or Less Social Media Training – February 20th

Carolyn Coates

Feb 06 2014

Short-format videos are taking over. Snapchat, Instagram Video, and Vine are the new trend in social media that give a quick, easy way to connect with a large number of people. Does this matter for your brand? If you want...

Announcing Social Media Effectiveness and Efficiency Training – February 4th

Carolyn Coates

Jan 21 2014

Not only are high growth firms using social media but they're being strategic about where they spend their time. Social media marketing can be a huge investment of time no matter your experience level. Small businesses alone can spend an...

Announcing: Advanced Google+ Strategies Online Training

Carolyn Coates

Jan 14 2014

Already present on Google+ but not seeing any results? Launched in 2011, Google+ is the fastest growing network with over 540 million monthly active users. Google+ isn't a social network but rather an identity network and Google has made it...

5 Social Media New Years Resolutions

Krista Neher

Jan 02 2014

With the new year upon us, I'm standing at my desk (I have a standing workstation) and getting organized for next year. Each year social media marketing continues to grow and evolve, and we, as social media marketers must grow...

Announcing: Google+ Training 101

Patrick Carroll

Jan 02 2014

Google+ training can no longer be ignored. With more than 540 million users and integration with other Google pproperties such as search, Youtube, Reviews, Authorship, and more, this network is here to stay. If you're still confused about why Google+...
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