
Category: Social Media Training

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Join Us For Our New Social Media Measurement & Analytics Class: July 22nd!


Jun 27 2013

We're very excited about our newest Cincinnati training course: Measurement & Analytics. This half-day quickstart program will show you everything you need to know about tracking and measuring your social media marketing efforts. Less than 30% of small and medium-sized...

Join Us For Our Upcoming Social Media 101 Half-Day Class: July 24th!


Jun 25 2013

We're excited to announce our newest Cincinnati training program: Social Media 101. This is a half-day training program designed for beginners in social media who want to learn how to use sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and more for...

3 LinkedIn Strategies to Make You Stand Out


Jun 13 2013

LinkedIn has been growing steadily since its inception, and professionals are finally starting to realize this is an important social network that they need to be active on. LinkedIn isn't just for growing your professional network - it's also like...

Want to Pay Just $1 for Social Media Training?


Jun 03 2013

One of our most popular training services at Boot Camp Digital is our Social Media All Access Pass. It's an all-inclusive membership program that gives you access to monthly webinars that cover everything you need to know about growing your...

Join Us for Our Upcoming Advanced LinkedIn Training Class June 18th!

Erin Hertzenberg

May 31 2013

We're excited to announce our latest social media training program! Our newest class will be on Advanced LinkedIn Training. Reserve your spot ASAP for this training session.  Seats sell out fast. LinkedIn has over 200 million members and is widely used...

3 Business Accounts to Watch on Pinterest

Erin Hertzenberg

May 29 2013

Pinterest is not just a place to create Pin Boards for clothing, makeup, sports, inspirational quotes, or other hobbies - it's prospering into a place for businesses to expand their network and have the opportunity to have their customers help...

Join Us for Our Next “Launch Yourself” Personal Branding Program: June 14th!


May 16 2013

After the amazing success of our first Launch Yourself program on May 3rd, we are so excited to announce that the next program will take place on June 14th from 9 am to 5 pm! Although Launch Yourself - a...

You’re Invited to Our Upcoming 2-Day Social Media Boot Camp!


May 14 2013

I'm really excited to announce that our next 2-Day Social Media Boot Camp is coming up soon! This popular social media marketing seminar will take place at our new training facility on June 12th and 13th in Cincinnati. This Is...

Join Us for Our New Visual Social Media Marketing Class!


Mar 28 2013

We are super excited about our latest social media training program! Our newest class will be on Visual Social Media Marketing training. Our Training Programs Always Sell-Out - So Please Reserve Your Seat ASAP. Every business today is active on...
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